2011 is going to be the big year for me. So much to do, so little time and such a lazy Christmas and New Year to shake off. But this is the first step as I get my head screwed back on and facing the right way.
Monday sees the start of the second half of my first teaching placement. I'm back at King Edward Primary near Banff armed with loads of ideas for the Castles theme. Watch this space for the results of the Stickybits numeracy idea, the Fyvie Castle mobile showcasing idea as well as all the video and animation work I can get away with. I can't wait.
Amongst it all is going to be the dreaded Assessment B as well as finding out where my probation year will be spent, inevitably (and joyfully) moving out of this cold flat, running some holiday workshops and getting back into the walking and cycling. Oh, and a crazy idea to walk from Aberdeen to Ft William in the summer but I'll blog about that soon.
So, thats enough for just now. It's only taken a morning, a read through twitter, Juliet Robertson's blog, Teacher Tom's blog and I'm back in the right frame of mind. Here goes!!