Really Useful Web Resources

posted 9th May 2011 by Charlie Barrow 
Stickybits is a fantastic app that allows users to attach text, photos, and videos to any bar code. I used this to showcase children's work by attaching their videos to the barcodes of fair-trade products.

Zamzar - You tube converter

posted 8 Dec 2010 18:36 by Charlie Barrow
Are you in a school where youtube is blocked? Frustrating, isn't it? Well, this is one of the more reliable converters so that you can download you tube videos into windows video (wmv), quicktime video (mov), flash video (flv) and even mobile/iphone formats (m4v, 3gp). There's no need to register, all you need is an email address to receive the download link. (alternatively, search on Vimeo for videos as it is not always blocked.... yet)


Go Animate - flash animation

posted 8 Dec 2010 18:13 by Charlie Barrow
This was shown to me recently on an Inset session delivered by Stephen from Do-Be. Coincidentally the session was the day after I was exploring social stories as a strategy used with children with aspergers. Needless to say, one pupil was trained up as the class GoAnimate expert and the account was created. It's a great looking site which is very intuitive and contains loads of features to create a flash animation.

The Aviary - image and audio editing

posted 8 Dec 2010 16:21 by Charlie Barrow   [ updated 8 Dec 2010 16:34 ]
This site contains some pretty powerful sound and image editors. It's free and similar in look to Photoshop elements. The audio program is pretty straightforward as tracks are colour coded. It's a good looking site but better suited to upper primary and secondary level pupils.

Storybird - collaborative storytelling

posted 8 Dec 2010 16:00 by Charlie Barrow
This is a great site that allows collaborative writing using hundreds of beautiful illustration to act as a stimulus. I used this during World Book Day for children to write their own stories without the normal step-by-step constrictions they face in lessons. They absolutely loved the artwork and after a brief recap on the story hill, children started writing their own.
Since then, the site has improved to include a teacher log in where classes and pupils can be managed so that they don't need their own logins and there's even themed competitions to inspire after school too.


Doodle - easy scheduling

posted 8 Dec 2010 15:53 by Charlie Barrow
Ever tried organising an event involving more than 2 people? To avoid the email-tennis that ensues, Doodle gives each person the option to tick the dates and times that they CAN make. It is then much easier to see when everyone can make it. It can now be integrated with your google calendar, iCal and Outlook.



posted 8 Dec 2010 15:19 by Charlie Barrow
It's a different way to present. Leaving behind the linear style of PowerPoint, Prezi allows the user to throw down their ideas onto the desktop before creating a path to determine the order that the information is displayed. It does have the potential to create a nauseating effect but if used well, can really engage learners.
I've managed to import PDFs, Videos and images so far. It's still not quite as powerful as PowerPoint but as with anything, it has it's uses. Children have found it very easy to work with to present their information too.